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The meditation and mind-‘less’ processes have been designed to shift you away from external identification and into a mastery internal position. Being identified with external stimuli is the process of being human, but it is also a process of keeping us trapped in an illusion of false happiness continuously seeking for external gratification. The internal mastery position asks you to detach from the outside world and connect to your internal flow where you truly experience what happiness is and that is within you.


We will delve info managing stress and anxiety through the power of meditation, experience mindful tools and grow through coaching conversations. The meditation process itself will include body postures, the concentration process, breath work and maintaining stillness and steadiness of the mind and body. During the yoga Nidra process, you will experience psychic sleep, the process where you are between sleep and the awakened state. Yoga Nidra is one of the biggest gifts given from the Satyananda yoga tradition as it provides you with the opportunity for complete relaxation.


The mind-“less” portion of the workshop is interwoven throughout the whole course and looks at being a witness to our thoughts rather than devouring our thoughts as the truth. This mindfulness process will look at specific tips to reprogramming your mind through internalization and sitting with the prose and present moment of being. We will work with some coaching techniques that will help shift you and your conversations with others.


So let us retreat to the internal sanctuary within ourselves where you will connect to the wisdom of who you are, evolve through blockages and turmoil and ultimately live more connected to you, the source and all living things. Change will happen and true success will be the result.


What are the benefits of this workshop?


  • Experience a powerful daily meditation process

  • Learn a variety of scientifically proven meditative techniques

  • Manage anxiety and stress effectively

  • Learn mindfulness tools

  • Improve your conversations with yourself and others

  • Learn to have mindful conversations based on coaching processes

  • Ongoing development and discussion

  • You will be under the guidance of luminaries who have provided scientifically proven techniques


This workshop is for you, if you…


  • Would love to learn the beginning processes of meditation

  • Looking to develop a daily meditative practice and have no idea where to begin

  • Are continuously getting sick and struggle to cope under stress

  • Have developed a negative attitude and feel completely stuck

  • Don’t eat well or sleep well because you are so stressed

  • Struggle to manage your emotions

  • Don’t feel good about yourself and really need a change

  • Need to learn to communicate more effectively

  • Improve your relationships with others through communication

  • Are ready to live a yogic lifestyle

  • Have reached a point where you need to change, and it starts from within!


Additional info...


  1. Contact to reserve your spot in the next workshop

  2. This is a 2 day workshop of 3 hours per day

  3. Additional materials and delicious healthy snacks will be served!

Click here to see the schedule of upcoming yoga workshops.

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